Yamatho Supply Sitemap
Can't find what you're looking for? Review our sitemap for a list of our pages.
- ¿Baja presion de agua? No es un problema
- ¿Que es el amoniaco?
- Advanced Cooling Tower Management: Enhancing Efficiency with Lakewood Model 140
- Agriculture: Quick soil test aims to determine nitrogen need
- All you need to know about boiler blowdowns!
- Analysis de Aguas Industriales
- Automate your brine mixing system
- Avoid this issues when starting a cooling tower
- Basic solar energy system
- Boiler Blowdown Automation Basics
- Boiler blowdown, mechanical operation
- Boiler Carryover – Cause, Effect and Prevention
- Boiler maintenance fundamentals
- Boiler Water Conductivity Measurement Fundamentals
- Boiler Water Fundamentals 2 of 3
- Boiler Water Fundamentals 3 of 3
- Boiling point of water
- Bombas de diafragma, resolviendo problemas comunes
- Brewing up success!
- Bringing color to water treatment
- Calculate boiler water blowdown flow
- Calculo de flujo de purga de caldera
- Calculos Basicos para Torres de Enfriamiento
- Chemical injection pump suction and discharge design
- Chemical injection quill for oil and gas application
- Chemicals dosing pumps selection basics
- Chemicals Injection Pumps Calibration Basics
- Chlorimation and the false Free Chlorine residual
- Chlorine alternatives in Fresh Produce production
- Chlorine Dioxide for Effective Water Treatment
- Chlorine Dioxide in Brewing Process Water
- Chlorine Dioxide vs. Chlorine
- Chlorine Doxide, why is it a better biocide?
- Chlorine vs. Chlorine Dioxide different features against biofilm growth
- Choose the right biocide for your cooling tower
- Choose the Right Cooling Tower Chemicals
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Poultry House
- Cloramina y las lecturas falsas de Cloro Libre
- Cobre en el agua potable efectos sobre la salud y cómo reducir la exposición
- Common Solenoid Valve Problems
- Como puede distribuir una torre de enfriamiento, la Enfermedad del Legionario?
- Como Purgar de Fondo una Caldera Correctamente
- Como reemplazar el diafragma de una bomba Seko Tekna EVO
- Como Satisfacer la Sed de las Torres de Enfriamiento
- Controlling Chloramination in drinking water applications
- Cooling conductivity control basics
- Cooling Product Testing and Control
- Cooling Tower Basic Calculations
- Cooling Tower Blow Down Water Recycle Story
- Cooling Tower Fundamentals, Heat Transfer
- Cooling Tower Molybdate Disapearence
- Cooling tower safety vs optimization: The operational and safety aspects of cooling towers
- Cooling Tower Side Stream Filtration Implementation
- Cooling tower: how to save!
- Cooling Towers: Efficiency Waiting to Happen
- Cooling Water Treatment 101 - Conductivity
- Cooling Water Treatment 101 - Conductivity Sensor Principle
- Copper in Drinking Water Health Effects and How to Reduce Exposure
- Corrosion coupons and how to use them
- Corrosion Coupons Fundamentals
- COVID-19 Guidance for Legionella and Building
- Demasiados Metales Pesados
- Desaparicion del Molibdato en Torre de Enfriamiento
- Diaphragm, solution to common problems
- Dioxido de cloro para el tramiento de agua
- Dioxido de Cloro vs. Cloro
- Diseno de succion y descarga de bombas de dosificacion de quimicos
- Do water softeners remove chlorine?
- Does Chlorine kill COVID ?
- Does Chlorine kill COVID ?
- Does Ozone kill viruses ?
- Easiest way of measuring free and total chlorine in water!
- El arrastre de la caldera - causa, efecto y prevención
- El costo de baja fiabilidad
- El dióxido de cloro en la elaboración de la cerveza
- El papel de los organofosfatos en tratamiento del agua refrigerante
- El tratamiento de refrigeración de circuito cerrado de agua
- Eliminate operator's errors in your Chlorine residual analysis
- Emulsion polymers activation basics
- Extreme Water Recycling
- False Chlorine Readings
- Fermentando exito!
- Free Chlorine and DPD test!
- Funademtals of boiler sample conductivity
- Fundamental cooling tower issue
- Fundamental Economic Justification for Boiler Blowdown Automatic Control
- Fundamentals of Ammonia in water
- Fundamentals of Chlorine Measurement
- Fundamentals of Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems
- Fundamentals of corrosion control in water systems
- Fundamentals of ORP for Cooling Towers
- Fundamentals of pH and its measurement
- Fundamentals of Soil Testing
- Fundamentals of water for Boilers
- Fundamentos de agua para calderas
- Fundamentos de Agua para Calderas 2 de 3
- Fundamentos de Análisis de Suelos Agricolas
- Fundamentos de calibración de bombas de dosificacion de químicos
- Fundamentos de Control de Calderas
- Fundamentos de control de conductividad en torres de enfriamiento
- Fundamentos de Control de Corrosion en Systemas de DIstribucion de Agua
- Fundamentos de corrosion en sistemas con agua
- Fundamentos de Cupones de Corrosion
- Fundamentos de la activacion de polímeros en emulsión
- Fundamentos de la Medicion de la Conductividad de Calderas
- Fundamentos de medicion de conductividad de muestras de calderas
- Fundamentos de Medicion de Flujo con Ultrasonido
- Fundamentos de medicion del residual de cloro
- Fundamentos de selección de bomba dosificadora
- Fundamentos de torres de enfriamiento - Conductividad
- Fundamentos de Tratamiento de Torres de Enfriamiento - Medicion de Conductividad
- Fundaments of Photometry and Reflectance
- Here is why you need to replace your solenoid valve
- Historia de reciclaje de agua de purge de torre de enfriamiento
- How a Fire Tube Boiler is built and operates
- How can a cooling tower spread Legionnaires' Disease?
- How do wind turbines work?
- How does a cooling tower work ?
- How does a cooling tower work ?
- How does the cooling tower startup work?
- How to choose the correct chemical injection pump!
- How To Prepare For Reopening Your Pool Facility
- Implementacion del Sistema de Filtracion Lateral para la Torre de Enfriamiento
- Industrial Water Analysis
- Instalacion de Bombas Dosificadoras
- Is your water treatment controller misbehaving?
- Kemio help assure correct disinfection for food, beverage and containers.
- Kemio, the best instrument for disinfection monitoring!
- La ciencia detrás de BIOPELÍCULAS y su impacto en las torres de refrigeración
- Langelier Saturation Index
- Lecturas falsas de residual de cloro libre
- Limpieza y desinfección de gallineros
- Los métodos para determinar el cloro y sus subproductos oxiclorados en agua
- Los métodos para determinar el dióxido de cloro y su oxiclorados en agua
- Low water pressure? No problem!
- Measurement of chlorine dioxide and bromine used simultaneously in the disinfection of cooling system water
- Medicion de Flujo Contando Pulsos
- Metering Pump Installation
- Methods for determining chlorine dioxide and its oxychlorine by-products in water
- Methods for determining chlorine dioxide and its oxychlorine by-products in water
- Methods Of Expressing Soil Test Results
- Non expert cooling controller selection tutorial
- Online monitoring of PTSA in Water Treatment systems
- Operacion mecanica de la purga de la caldera
- Optimization of cooling towers
- Optimizing Cooling Tower Performance with Conductivity Controllers
- Optimizing Cooling Tower Performance: Understanding Efficiency, Maintenance, and Water Quality Management
- Orthophosphates versus Polyphosphates
- Ortofosfatos versus polifosfatos
- Ozonation of Cooling Towers
- Ozono Para la Desinfeccion de Agua de Torres de Enfriamiento
- Peracetic acid - the new hero in hospitals
- Porque debe instalar un controlador de la purga de una caldera
- Power plant water issues: Effectively cleaning cooling tower fill
- Prueba de biocidas en el fracturamiento hidráulico
- Pruebas y Control de Productos para Torres de Enfriamiento
- Pulse-based counting in flow meters
- Reduccion del uso de agua en torres de enfriamiento con automatización
- Remocion de Arsenico del agua residencial
- Removal of Arsenic From Household Water
- Revolutionizing Water Analysis: Everything You Need to Know About the Kemio KEM10DIS
- Roadmap to the correct installation of a solenoid valve
- Sala de Calderas; Reduccion de costos de operacion
- Save Water While Quenching Cooling Towers
- Select the right metering pump!
- Stories about gas chlorination in power plants
- Sulfites for Oxygen Control
- Sulfitos para el Control del Oxigeno
- Testing biocides in hydraulic fracturing
- The business case for chem feed equipment bundles!
- The Correct Way To Do Boiler Bottom Blowdown
- The Cost of Unreliability
- The Role of Organophosphates in Cooling Water Treatment
- This is how a motor driven diaphragm pump operates!
- Three amaizingly simple things you can do to save in your cooling tower
- Treatment of Closed-Loop Cooling Water Systems
- Turbidez: Descripcion, impacto en la calidad del agua, fuentes y medicion
- Turbidity: Description, Impact on Water Quality, Sources, Measures
- Ultrasonic Flow Measurement Fundamentals
- Using Control Valves To Optimize Cooling Water System Efficiency
- Utilize valvulas de control para optimizar su eficiencia
- Valvulas solenoides y golpe de ariete
- Want to know how easy could b to measure Chlorine Dioxide
- Water Conductivity
- Water hammer and water solenoid valves
- What is a heat exchanger?
- What is a positive displacement pump?
- What is Ozone ?
- What is water TDS?
- When to use a Positive Displacement Pump
- Why do I need a metering pump?
- Why Does Kemio™ Perform Better Than Drop Count In Poultry Processing?
- Why installing an automatic boiler blowdown system?
- Yamatho valves manual override
- Yamatho's business model
- 1107003 Plumbing, with 20' FS, remote plumbing Left Exit
- 1167124 Lakewood pH/ORP Preamplifier
- 1167158 Sensor, Conductivity 2 elec w/20 ft Cable
- 1169201 SENSOR COND 4ELEC 4' W
- 1169207 2 electrode Conductivity Sensor w/ 4ft Body Part No. 1169207
- 1240472 SENSOR PH COMB 1520 1
- 1240473 SENSOR ORP COMBO W/15F
- 1240475 CONTROLLER 1520/30E
- 1240518 CONTROLLER 1520E MNTD W/FS &
- 1240519 CONTROLLER 1530E MNTD W/FS &
- 1263418 CONTROLLER 1530E KIT W/ORP S
- 1269326 1575e Trace Connection Kit Includes Isolator and Power Supply
- 1269409 CONTROLLER 1575e MNTD w/ FS
- 1269422 SENSOR PH COMB 10FT S
- 1269423 SENSOR ORP COMB 10FT
- 1269454 CONTROLLER 1520E KIT W/PH SE
- AP 011 Chlorine - Free (DPD 1) p/n AP011
- AP 021 Monochloramine (DPD 2 - use with DPD 1) p/n AP021
- AP 031 0-5 ppm Free and Total Chlorine (DPD 1 and DPD 3) -250 Tests p/n Ap031
- AP 031/1 Total Chlorine (DPD 3 - use with DPD 1) p/n AP031/1
- AP 041 Total Chlorine (DPD 4) p/n AP041
- AP 148 Zinc 0 - 4 mg/l Zn
- AP 156 Iron HR 0 - 10 mg/l Fe
- AP 193 (AP193) Magnesium (Magnecol) 0 - 500 mg/l CaCO3
- AP163 Nitrate (Nitratest) *200 tests 0-20 (N)
- AT 052 DPD Acidifying p/n AT052
- AT 056 DPD Glycine p/n AT056
- AT 058 DPD Neutralising p/n AT058
- Back pressure valves in 1/2" ans 1/4"
- Back pressure valves mounting kit ( EBPV-MK )
- Ball valve with electric actuator YS20S 1" PVC Socket ANSI, Normally Closed with 2 wires actuator, 95-265 VAC #yamavalve
- Ball valve YS20S 1/2" SS316 FNPT Normally Closed valve with 2 wires actuator,24 VDC #yamavalve
- Ball valve YS20S 1" SS316 FNPT Normally Closed valve with 2 wires actuator,24 VDC #yamavalve
- Boiler blowdown, conductivity controller Lakewood Instruments model 1575e., controller only p/n 1229239
- Boiler blowdown, TDS controller Lakewood Instruments model 1575e p/n 1229244
- Boiler blowdown, TDS controller Lakewood Instruments model 1575e p/n 1229245
- Boiler blowdown, water TDS controller Lakewood Instruments model 1575e. Select add on options from dropdown list
- Boiler blowdown, water TDS controller Lakewood Instruments model 3175e. Select add on options from dropdown list
- Boiler blowdown, water TDS controller Lakewood Instruments model 3175e. Select add on options from dropdown list
- Boiler Water Sample Cooler SC-316 (SC316), Stainless Steel , 3500 psi
- Boiler Water Sample Cooler, Stainless Steel , 2,500 psi
- Boiler water TDS, controller Lakewood model 150
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump MAXIMA MGR800 1.85GPH max @232 psi with PVDF liquid end ( MGR 800)
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump MAXIMA MRP800 1.85GPH max @232 psi with PVDF liquid end ( MRP 800)
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump Seko AKL 603 1 GPH max @ 175 psi with PVDF liquid end ( AKL603 )
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump Seko APG 603 1GPH max @ 175 psi with PVDF liquid end ( APG603 )
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump Seko TPG 603 1GPH max @ 175 psi with PVDF liquid end ( TPG603 )
- Chemical injection diaphragm pump Seko TPR with PVDF liquid end and pH probe
- Chemical injection pump SEKO AML 200 0.8 GPH max @ 145 psi with PVDF liquid end ( AML200 )
- Chemical injection quill with three chemical ports, 1"" to 2", SS316 with check and ball valve
- Chlorine Meter kit, hard case Palintest Lumiso LUM051
- Compact Ammonia Duo Meter Soft Case ( PTS042 )
- Corporation Stop - removable chemical injection quill in pressurized lines, sizes 1/2" to 1", SS316, PVC, Hastelloy, Kynar, Alloy C20 with and without lead free brass ball valve
- Corporation Stop with AWWA thread and with chemical injection quill for pressurized lines, sizes 1/2" to 1", PVC with lead free brass ball valve
- Corrosion coupon rack kit 1" in PVC, Black Iron, Clear PVC, SS304 with 2, 3 or 4 stations and 10 GPM flow regulator on galvanized strut
- Corrosion coupon rack kit 3/4" or 1" in PVC, Black Iron, Clear PVS, SS304 with 2, 3 or 4 stations and 5GPM flow regulator on galvanized strut
- Corrosion test coupons
- Duplex chemical injection quill, 1/2" to 1", SS316 with or without check valve
- Electric motorized ball valve YS20S 1" PVC Socket ANSI, Normally Closed valve with 2 wires actuator,24 VDC #yamavalve
- Electric motorized ball valve YS20S, 2 wires actuator 95-250 VAC Normally Open #yamavalve
- Electric motorized ball water control valve YS20SHT High Temperature, 3 wires actuator 95-250 VAC #yamavalve
- Electric motorized ball water control valve YS20SKT2S, 2 wires with 3 wires for position electric indication, normally closed 24 VDC. #yamavalve
- Electric motorized water control valve YS20S, 2 wires actuator 95-250 VAC Normally Closed
- Extra strong electric ball valve YS100SBD3, 3 wires normally closed 95-250 VAC. #yamavalve
- Flow regulator (Dole valve) PVC , FNPT, 1.0 to 30 GPM with Buna rubber orifice
- High pressure chemical injection quill, 1/2" to 1", SS316, CPVC, Kynar, Hastelloy C276, Alloy 20, single with 1/2" FNPT
- High pressure chemical injection quill, 1/2" to 1", SS316, PVC, Kynar, Hastelloy C276, Alloy 20, single
- High torque electric ball valve YSCN motorized 110 VAC, with feedback #yamavalve
- Inline water flow regulator SS316 1.0 to 30 GPM (Dole valve)
- Inline water flow regulator Brass 1.0 to 30 GPM (Dole valve)
- KEMS10HM Kemio Heavy Metals, Soft Case Kit
- Lakewood 1229841 SENSOR BOILER -SR HARS
- Lakewood 1229843 SENSOR BOILER SR2 HARS
- Lakewood 1575e p/n 1229239 Water Cooling Tower Controller. Select add ons from dropdown list.
- Lakewood 1575e p/n 1229239 Water Cooling Tower TDS Controller. Select add ons from dropdown list.
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1104592 Boiler condensate sensor 540K.01-4-10I-10-TC500
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1167295 Sampling Cycle Plumbing for Boiler 1/2" NPT PL5
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1167296 PLUMBING BOILER .75NPT PL6
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1167297 PL6 1/2 inch continuous plumbing is used for a continuous sampling of a boiler
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1168374 SENSOR BOILER SR2 KIT
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1168601 Cycle Sampling NPT Plumbing for Boiler 3/4" NPT PL5
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1168617 Boiler condensate sensor 540K.1-4-10R-18
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1169054 Boiler condensate sensor replacement tip 540K.1-TC500 10-100μS
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1169055 Boiler condensate sensor replacement tip 540K.01-TC500 1-10μS
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1169202 4 electrode Conductivity Sensor with 20 Foot
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1169642 Boiler condensate sensor 540K.01-4-10R-18
- Lakewood Instruments p/n 1169993 SR2N boiler sensor for NexSys, includes sensor, node, cable, elbow and connection box.
- Lakewood p/n 1167302 Sensor Tip 5205-STD with BNC Connector (specify length when ordering)
- Lakewood p/n 1167426 9176 CHEMICAL INJECTION MANIFOLD
- Lakewood p/n 1168617 540K.1-4-10R-18, with 1.0 Inch NPT Retractable, 10-100μs
- Lakewood p/n 1268608 motorized ball valve for boiler blowdown MBV1, 1⁄2 inch NPT Motorized ball valve
- Lakewood p/n 1268614 Boiler Blowdown Motorized Ball Valve MBV2 3/4"
- View more
Updated by Sitemapper at 2/21/2025 9:09:16 AM -05:00