Hand Sanitizer Dispensers
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Hand Sanitizer Dispensers
Automatic, touch-free dispensing is complemented by a unique delivery method that’s more advanced than anything else on the market. This is not a standard mechanism within a redesigned casing – no other system on earth dispenses like this. The mains-powered DispenserONE® is also the world’s only hand sanitizer dispenser not to rely on disposable pouches, cartridges or batteries and offers a capacity range of 5,000 to 50,000 doses, with models to suit every building from small independent cafes to international airports.
SEKO Dispenser ONE The indispensable heavy duty hand sanitizer system
$ 805.00
DESCRIPTION Bringing revolutionary hand sanitizing to every location. Contact us at sales@yamathosupply.com for a special discount! DispenserONE® leaves behind the limitations of conventional hand sanitizer systems for a revolutionary new...